Back in the tower i discovered a fine piece of sculptors art: a dragon! Although the surrounding was not exactly inviting this statue made me linger there for a while.
Later in the evening i was once again asked if i was interested in a hunt to Ardvell. Although there were just Ursus and me as fighters, which made me a little doubtful, Jade and 4 healers we managed quite well. In the beginning Ursus lured the spiders towards us again, but then we became more bold and hunted through some few snells.
We decided we had killed enough spiders by then, as we had even found several red spidereggs! Our next target was the Ardvell Swamp. Jago joined our group for this hunt, while Terra Bul and Jade left. Her skills in recovering scales paid off well as the swamp is not only housed by Meshra but also by Kajmanos.
A narrow ravine in the northeastern mountains is fortified with a huge stone wall, behind which several flea-slings...umh..dogs kept watch. The guard at the gate was very rude though and barred the entrance.
Before we returned we quickly landed on the Thieves plateau in the west to see wether we could kill the boars lurking near the landing place. As it turned out we could, but we did not have the skill to cut their tusks from the cadavers. A man in Burh Fierlen, the rainy city in Ardvell, is asking for them in order to open his weapon shop again.
Exhausted, but not really sleepy yet, i went into the Hall'o'ween tower again. With the help of the others i managed to do the Onaquest, which was a very hard and tiring chase. After helping Jago try it as well and helping to get to fallen Warrax i was so weary i could only go meditating.
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