Sonntag, 9. August 2009

Canyon? A walk in the park...umh.. dark!

Another short time out of the tower brought the next visit to a wrongly feared area, the Canyon! Balaforn had earned the title Ferrumo by impressing the fighters guild enough and so we set out to Dinken to buy a freshly forged hatchet. Except for some nasty snakes whose bites caused a temporary nausea, the way there was rather uneventful, pieces of hyenas were flying left and right as we carved our path to the town. Although Mordor and myself had not much time left i got the idea to peek into the depths of the canyon.
We climbed down the ladder and immediately some dim shapes waddled our way and red eyes glowed in the dark. I moved without thought and brought the hatchet down hard between the nearest pair of eyes. I heard the crack of bones and when i lifted my weapon the limp body of a dark vermine slid down from it. I had no time to wonder, as the shapes had come closer and were now recognizable as fungi.
We closed in around the first one and soon had chopped it into pieces, but the other required immediate attention by trying to wound us. I don´t know how long it took to fight them - illuminated only by the glowing healing crystals of our healers, the sun never touches these depths - but quite soon we stood there alone, only a nasty beetle was still around.
We finally managed to trap it near one of the steep walls and began trying to pierce its chitin hide. I managed to evade its bite most of the time, but the fight began lasting quite a while until we realised that just when we had made a scratch into it the blood began to dry and the wound to close. Either this beetle had studied long under T'rool and Hyenas or both of them are just poor nature's imitats of this creatures healing abilities and so we finally left it alone. Still, the first snell of the canyon again proved of not much difficulty, i can´t wait which formerly hard area i´ll conquer next time i wake up!

Samstag, 8. August 2009

Orga Woods? Piece of cake!

Some days ago i woke from my meditational state - in which i had fallen after hearing from the higher beings at the meeting that eventually evil will overwhelm our beloved lands and there´s nothing we can do about it - eager to stretch and hunt. Luckily a group was about to head to the Orga Camp and so i quickly joined them.
Only some Zippos and Ari made some problems when we cleared Camp 2 and so we set on toward Camp 3. We didn´t encounter much resistance along the way and so decided to make a detour to the Grendels, who we brought down and devided their riches among ourselves. Upon arrivl at Camp 3 i found that i brick the Trotzkis fairly well as well as hit them. Camp 3 itself wasn´t populated that much and so we had quickly conquered it. Some cowards had even climbed the steep wall in the camp to evade our blades.
Being in a bloodrage we didn´t care about having just Lafaborns healing skills around and so decided to go on and have a look into the Orga Woods. Neither stronger BROs nor Large Dark Vermines tried to bar our way there and so we arrived safely in the cave leading to the forest. A quick look outside showed some LDVs, an Orga Dredlock and some minor Orgas. Together the fighters set out to get rid of the furry vermines, which worked pretty well.
With healing up just once we managed to go out again together and reduce the rest of the Orga until finally we only had the Dredlock to face. He fought desperately, but i managed to evade his blows well enough, while every strike of McM and Ari caused gaping wounds in his hide. Finally our foe sank on his knees and died, we had conquered the first snell easily!
Sadly i had to leave again and so this short, but funny trip ended with a run home via several paths.