While hunting back more and more people gathered in Arilon and so a bigger hunt was to happen. We quickly chose Orga Camp as our destination and set out. We were a large group and so had no problems getting past Camp 2. There´s just one thing we should keep an eye on: there are more and more Pirates roaming in the Orga territory, we should be wary if the Dor'Shak tries to increase his influence. From there on the number of Orga Furies increased a lot and in total i helped defeating as many as 30 of these fearsome enemies.
The group was strong enough to not have any major problems with the Trotzkis still guarding the entrance to the Camp, and the Warlocks and other Furies were quickly killed as well. The Orga had even enlarged their Camp, there were 2 newly erected huts and 2 statues, all of which we tore down.
After lingering around a little, killing whatever reinforcements the Orga sent to win their Camp back, our Arilonian sense for adventure broke through and we decided to try to clear the area north of the OC-River. This is not without danger, as sometimes Large Dark Vermine or Orga Frenzies can be seen there. But they weren´t and we reached the ladder in the west shortly after, where we made a small break, only protected by a brave single Kudzu. One discovery might be mentioned here: Behind the northern mountains we could hear the splashing of a sea!
Our curiousness wasn´t stilled and so we set ourselves a new goal: clearing the first snell in Orgawoods!. We were greeted by several LDVs, some Warlocks and Zerks and 2 Dredlocks.
Here two of our healers had to leave, who did a great job until then. Once i had even needed the skill of all 6 healers to vet me, when a nasty LDV killed me while i was already strongly bleeding. The rest of the group went north in the cave, toward the Wyrm. I found i could brick the grey ones and Dresko proved to be the most Battuo-skilled Arilonian. We had vanquished 2 of the Wyrm when many got tired from all the bloodshed and we decided to go home.
At the ladder, 3 LDVs avaited us and some unlucky moves killed us swiftly. But still, we had had a lot of fun and can be really proud about our achievements.