On our way back we learned that Bingro and Cleo had fallen in the Varpi passage. Of course we headed there and then decided to visit the new cave in howling woods and explore its depths. Quickly we were in the midst of huge hordes of skeletons trying to carve a way through. Usually we had only a few moments to catch our breath before we had to rise the axe again and smash another few dozen bones of freshly arrived skeletons. As they are the revived remains of very different people its impossible to tell the strength of an Undead before cros
The center of the first cave is dominated by a burning gallow, which radiates enormous heat, that singes fur and skin alike. In the second cave we
Another cave leading from there brought us into a hidden library where Der'ka and Herriot watch over several dozen books stolen from King Leorics library and try to keep them hidden from the Undead. The titles suggest they are all related
When we gathered for the way back, Newt didn´t look too optimistic, but although it took some tries until everyone could breeze fresh air again we didn´t hav
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