After some good wishes we then made for Ceolsige again, the pirate town in Yarimada. Things went quite smooth until there, but then some people didn´t watch their step and stumbled down a ladder into the storeroom that i had wanted to avoid. It was narrow and two bombers made a quick end to any rescue. It was only until some of the more dangerous pirates wanted to get out and the remaining part of the group clearing the ranged attackers from the outside that we got out again.
The deepest floor of the ship proved dangerous as well. Several pirate priests had formed a circle around the ladder and together with some bombers made for a warm welcome. As people started fighting at the ladder all the ranged attacks were directed there and no one could move away to avoid it. Luckily with some chaining we could regroup upstairs again and when we just rushed through and got into the pirates backs they were quickly finished with.
From here on i had to steel myself and keep in mind that killing the Dor'Shak was very important, otherwise i might have turned in the prospect of the diving passages to come. The way into the mirrorroom that we got to last time went well again, except for some bombs greeting the first ones to enter a room here or there. And indeed, the Dor'Shak was waiting in this room! Next to him stood an impressive yellow Orga with a red sash. After some confusion we managed to start killing first the lesser minions and then go after the Orga. First he threatened us, then all he could do was yelling for his master before he took his last breath.
The Dor'Shak wasn´t so easy prey. He pulled his way out of traps, received healing energy that may have come from fallens from our group and merrily teleported himself through the room and ran in the mirrors. At first he laughed at us daring to attack him, but fear crept into his voice when i drew the Es'zpada. When i managed to hit him the red lightening ran all over his black robe and suddenly he seemed vulnerable to normal blades too, so maybe the sabre had been needed to finish some magic shield of his. We kept trying to trap him whereever he appeared and constantly stabbing into the robe, hoping to hit something vital. Suddenly blood was soaking his robe and we redoubled our efforts. The Es'zpada had not yet recharged its magic energy but it was as sharp as ever and then, all of a sudden, the Dor'Shak collapsed in a pile and disappeared afterwards. Unsure, we looked at each other: had this been his end? Somehow we all seemed to have expected some magic spectacle at his death, but the sabre that had been reforged by Durin seems to have only been the key to his shield and after this, he was (nearly) as vulnerable as anyone else. After all these months of Orga and pirate invasions, camps in the jungle, search for rare items in dangerous areas we now can hope to sleep peacefully again until the next foe foolishly steps up and tries to make our lifes miserable or put an end to them.
3 Kommentare:
I'll have to send you a picture soon of a memorable moment: your final blow to the orga!
I think he drained the energy from his Orga fellows as I noticed this blue "energy balls" that attacked an orga when I was fallen in the western part of the Lab...
Keep that in mind for later face-offs with him - if he dares to return...
Ah crap, i missed the showdown :(
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