All in all the hunt was very successful. We proceeded well and had nearly no trouble with the bigger Orgas or the Pirates. At one point we didn´t watch out though, and Newt fell. Tarra and me had to wait for Crash to chain him to town and come back with Tofors additional healing power. Together we gathered the last pearls for the firerum Crash wanted to get. Although i fell on my way home, as it had become rather late it had been a very nice trip.

The next day i awoke and was immediately occupied with sorting my thoughts as i received lots of questions wether i´d stay awake longer with my thinking crystal. Soon it was decided to hunt in Ardvell and i headed to the eastern Kittytemple. Sadly there´s still no way to avoid the waterway if no portal-trained mage is available and due to the mage chosing the wrong landing place i had to search for a safe place to wait for them.

When we finally arrived on the spider plateaus, we immediately started killing some spiders. It went quite well, only advancing too fast into the next snell without looking and landing amidst a dozen mammuth spiders made some problems, but the group reacted quickly and solved the dangerous situation excellently.

After a while we were heading west and south from the landing place. Suddenly we saw a ladder mounted on a steep part of the cliffs to our right. We quickly agreed that it had not been there in the past, but of the builders we could find no sign. We climbed up and made a quick end to the Ch'omaks.

The small plateau was connected to one further south by a small rift, invisible to the untrained eye. But our way led into the cave opening and so we found ourselves in a new entrance into the Noth caves. We were not able to destroy some of the catapults that make the boat travel to Ardvell even more dangerous, but some of the hooded inhabitants of the caves fell to our blades. I was pretty excited and curious how well we can perform in Noths already, but as it had become late i gathered what courage i had and made my way home over the river alone. Luckily i encountered just a single Sekat and so was able to row safely home, where i started meditating, wondering which hunt will start the next time i wake up.

3 Kommentare:
wow, i missed lot of actions :(
nice report as usual :)
see you in arilon
hmmm... das Rift von dem Du da sprichst - ist das ein Pfad? und kannst Du mir sagen von wo nach wo er auf der Karte führt? :)
Vielen Dank ;)
Ja, es ist ein Pfad, ich wollte für diejenigen die wie ich Pfade gerne selber suchen, das nicht so verraten. Ich werd versuchen, dran zu denken dir nachher eine PM zu schicken, ansonsten sprich mich einfach ingame nochmal an.
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