To my joy i even found myself still very capable in recovering their warmly-red shining furs.
Even whole groups of creatures didn´t manage to bring us in any severe danger, only the great snakes living there prooved too hard and so had to be lured away. After earning quite some coins, we headed back to town and i went to sleep with the sure feeling to be able to fight nearly any creature successfully.
Just thist feeling made me search companions for a way to the 4th circle fighter test when waking up again today. What could possibly go wrong there after i had managed to kill Tigris, Mahas and Kojotes in a row the day before? Well, in the test i quickly remembered the difference between fighting alone and having a skilled healer with you, as well as making contact with sharp Leopards teeth. My best skills had always been the evasion of enemies harmful strikes, but this test showed me how much i still have to learn.
On the way back i could release my frustration on some Tok'Hans and even a leech trying to torch me couldn´t stop me.