Dienstag, 31. März 2009

Scales in the Dark

For the first time since the great storm i joined a group to the southern dragon caves. Although we took some shortcuts to get there, the way was quite exciting. Outside Salynos we fought a cobra and the dunes around the cave were bustling by half a dozen large sandworms. We killed all of them and i was a little disappointed noting that these immense creatures were not all worth a vanquish anymore.
We had just entered the cave, our eyes still not adjusted, when from all directions we could hear strange sounds rushing towards us. Many-colored scales glittered in the dark and furry shadows ran past. But we held our ground, trapping and killing beast after beast until the cave was in our hand.
We then set out to hunt in the dark den, often only warned by some scales reflecting some source of light before another dragon launched itself or a ball of fire at us. There were some close situations, but all in all we managed quite well. We even found a handful of emeralds, but sadly no rubys that we had set out for at first. We were lucky to meet mostly baby dragons though, the fire of adults proved devastating still, so we had to leave those alone.

Montag, 30. März 2009

Summer Refreshments

While most Arilonians enjoy the height of summer with long, warm days, the inhabitants of the colder places of our known world seem to feel less comfortable. Wether their native regions are becoming too warm in summer or if they just wanted to cause some trouble will remain unknown, but a huge pack of whitefurred animals attacked the Arilonians yesterday.
While the snowvermines, tigers or cougars didn´t pose much of a threat anymore, the giant snowvermines bites caused devastating wounds on those too slow to evade them. As no healers were around when the first creatures appeared this caused some trouble, but with more people leaving the meditower the situation improved. All of a sudden yells of fear were to be heard: a frostgiant had sneaked up and caused some chaos. In the end we had to lure it away, hoping it to melt or die of heat, as our weapons all slid along his icy hide but could not penetrate it.

Donnerstag, 26. März 2009

My Preciousss

After some time of meditation i woke up to learn that a storm had swept the lands. It turned out to have uncovered the previously hidden entrance to a cave northeast of the Urdarvillage in the Crocovalley. First glimpses have shown black Myrmustenen living in the deep. Their rough environment has made them evolve into tough opponents fighting fiercely against intruders. One proof for that is my quick scetch of one of their royals, who could propably rise to queenstatus in every other tribe.
Yesterday we went into the T'roolhives to kill every defender of their main chambers in the hope to find some of their valuable stones. While the group for Paghos and Rugumond was quite big, it disbanded afterwards. It took quite some asking from me until i found people who joined the trip to the Sharags, the only tribe i still needed a stone of. Finally Jazzmertize and Dresko came with me and thanks to a well planted wall of Kudzu we could begin fighting the T'rool as soon as we had entered our selfmade fort. It was a bloody battle and i have no idea where Dresko took the time to catch all the Sharags blood to sell it, but in the end we were rewarded. One of the redskinned creatures died and i saw a stone rolling out of its pocket. I jumped after it and i finally held the desired Sharag stone in my hand!
Immediately after we had cleared the chamber, i went to Glofur to fetch some money and travelled back south to the Paghorim tribe. As a token of my dislike for the other tribes i handed one of them a stone of each of them and in exchange for some more money and gold i finally received what i had long tried to get: a Paghorim necklace! While these T'rool are certainly not the finest smiths around and the necklace is rather crude, the charme of their jewelry lies in their regenerative aura for the wearer.
A little later my clanmates Dresko and Lafaborn and set out with me for a small hunt. We went to Bisons, where a cobra near the path we took nearly ended our hunt before it had begun. But we managed to hurt it severely before we fell and so Lafa could raise us. We took revenge and began killing our way through the plains. I took great pleasure in skinning the soft furs of bisons and wolves, although i had to sharpen my knife several times due to the many beasts we slayed. It didn´t take long until we found the leather we had come for and so we ventured on towards the Tundra. Hunting there was great as both of us fighters had the skill to hit the beasts there. I had so much fun that i forgot to sharpen my knife and when we killed a bear this proved desastrous. The fur gleamed like freshly fallen snow and was as soft as one could wish, the hair fine. I estimated it to be worth 90 coins, but when i set the cut, my dulled knife tore an ugly slash right through it and it was ruined. Still, we managed to bring down several tough opponents and only ended our hunt due to a call for help from Ardvell.
It turned out that some Ogopogos were guarding the waterways and had ambushed a group. Although i dislike the way there i agreed to help, eager to make the waterways as safe as possible and helping Leda to get to the portal. The gigantic amphibians were killed one after the other. With a group of decent size this isn´t much of a problem any more. I was most relieved that i could not only hit it with my oar without making the small boat oscillate too much, but also evade some of its blows by lying flat before its jaw swept over my boat. Qwert was so happy about his rescue that he turned into a frog chasing after some flies. I would never have thought an Urdar would make for a frog light enough to walk over the water.
After this we made our way north towards the portal. Some mammuth spiders tried to stop us but they were quickly brought down by the group. As it had become late, i then took the portal home and went meditating, happy to be finally wearing a necklace.

Mittwoch, 11. März 2009

Care for your friends

I had just left the meditower, when i was asked if i wanted to come to Eilean to hunt some horses. Knowing it for a tough challenge and deceived by Graviers claim that they had cleared the sea of fish trying to sink any boat i ventured north. Of course the sea was as dangerous as ever, but i rowed in a frenzy and arrived on dry land soon. On eilean we had a hard time killing one horse after the other, falling when another appeared and waiting for Frenzy to rescue everyone several times. After some time Knuff had to go and so we decided to change places too.
The small rest of the group decided to go to the Glacier. On the way there i used a small break of the rest to find out that Snowtigers are easy prey now and that i can´t hit Tundrawolves yet unless several others around it distract it from me hits. Once in the glacier i started luring bigger Myrm from their chambers to the waiting blades of the rest. While we managed to kill the nobles quite fast, royals took all our strength to bring them down. Once again Frenzy proved to be the live saver and with time we even found several sparkling diamonds.
Some rescues later it was time for the next drawing of Zifers lottery. Hanashi came as well, as she had been called to share infos about the most recent events with her. We told her of the note we had come by, as well as the think of Qush. Additionally some brave Arilonians seemed to have gotten a hand to more messengers going north at Leilah and we now possess several books written in a strange language. Hanashi examined the note and together with what she knew pieced together that indeed the Dor'Shak has been defeated and won´t be a threat for quite some time. Still, it might be possible that the others named in the note, seemingly also disciples of the evil Arindal, might want revenge or that now other enemies try to conquer our town and our Arindal.
The way it is now, the world is kept in balance and everyone may walk freely where he chooses to. Should one side manage to hold both Arindal though, they´d have the power to control everything. Therefore we must continue to do everything thats necessary to keep others away from our town. In the days that had passed Hanashi had also gathered some more news. She could tell us that known actions of Merown were directed against both sides and so for the moment we should assume he has not chosen a side. Also she could tell us that rumors of the other Arindal having been in the robber kytten hideout in the infested woods were just that: rumors. When Gravier asked her on which side Ugh and Irina stand, she could only give us good advice. The two of them are still free, to do as they please, but if we respect them and help them they may become powerful allies. We should just remember their needs before the enemy does and they turn against us. With the promise to contact the keeper of the books and then tell us what she may find out, Hanashi wished us good luck for the drawing and left.
What followed was the drawing of the lottery. The numbers 11, 14, 18 and 24 fell out of the magic machine, leaving me without any matching number. Even in the ticket roulette i ended up with no win.

Dienstag, 10. März 2009


For some time Dasumia is back in the lands. Some talks with her showed that even over all this time she longs for news of her beloved Man'tao and nurished her hate for Merown. Much more important for me was what she told me yesterday though. She had news about Leaticia! Oh, how i had longed for any hint what had happened to my love when the great storm swept over us. I had feared she might have been in the open or in our house, which had been completely borne away. Now, after all these years, Dasumia told me she had seen her shortly before the storm, wandering away to a safe place. Still, these news are bittersweet, although i know now that she is alive, her last wish was to be left alone to fulfil a task she didn´t even know and bid no one searching for her. As much as i hope she is well and respect her wish, i don´t know if i really can stand not searching for her, talking to her once more.
The next news are way more disturbing. Some Arilonians caught a guy in a red robe with 2 Zerk bodyguards passing through town. They managed to lay hand on a note the person was carrying and it read: Dor'Zain, I will rule this town soon, those people are weak. Please prepare the next steps. The zodiac is Himero. Ask Dor'Van about the gems, you will need the blue ones, not the red ones! And don't forget to feed my Zerk. Dor'Shak As there was no date on the note we began to fear that Dor'Shak was either still well or had recovered far faster than assumed. It also tells us the names of at least two more disciples of the dark Arindal or maybe helpers of the Dor'Shak. I guess we have to ask the mage guild when the time of the Himero-zodiac will come and ponder about what blue gems we know. Maybe he means sapphires or topaz?
Suddenly another Zerk appeared, then another robed figure and the second bodyguard. We quickly slew the Orga and then tried to capture the supposed messenger. He escaped us, but he must have means to communicate, as suddenly our thinking crystals sensed a message from Qush: "Take care. Don't transport the books and notes of lost master Dor'Shak through the town." This gives us yet another name and even more important the hint that the Dor'Shak may be defeated for the moment. Lets hope that the messengers don´t change their route, we should try to capture as many as possible and where it doesn´t work at least snatch away whatever they carry. Perhaps we could even manage to sneak after one, finding out what their destination in the east is.
Last, but not least, i am glad that we managed to accept Tofor into the clan, so that all the six founding members of the Fast Feet are now officially wearing our symbol.

Montag, 9. März 2009

The labor paid off

Finally we can allow our backs to relax again, after spending several weeks either bent to the ground to search for traces of ore in stony regions or bent because of a bag full of ore or metals slung over the shoulder. Cas Luath has done a great job in erecting our hut and so we are the first clan to finish our own clanhouse.
As it seems at the moment everyone can enter, so until we get our own lock, we will keep some watchful pets in the house. Maybe they´ll make nice carpets later. Even more important than finishing the house is our now official recognition as a clan as of Merdi, Day 64 in Spring 574, allowing us to recruit more members and maybe other things too.

Defeating the Dor'Shak

Yesterday finally the big battle had come. The Elders spy had done well and found out well before the Dor'Shak wanted to go to his laboratory and warned us. While we were gathering in town, Hanashi, the storyteller came to Arilon. She had quite some news for us. For one, she confirmed that another, evil Arindal exists, one that revives all the creatures hostile to us in the world. This other Arindal has also a group of people watching over it, like the Elders are mentally linked to ours. The downside to this link is, that if one of the Elders disciples like Lider is badly hurt it will take quite some time for the disciple as well as the Elder to recover. Dor'Shak on the other hand is a disciple of a watcher of the other Arindal. So while we can´t really kill him, defeating him with the Es'zpada would at least weaken him for a considerable amount of time. We also learned that Hanashi herself helps one of "our" disciples and that it is still unknown if Merown is one of the evil disciples.
After some good wishes we then made for Ceolsige again, the pirate town in Yarimada. Things went quite smooth until there, but then some people didn´t watch their step and stumbled down a ladder into the storeroom that i had wanted to avoid. It was narrow and two bombers made a quick end to any rescue. It was only until some of the more dangerous pirates wanted to get out and the remaining part of the group clearing the ranged attackers from the outside that we got out again.
The deepest floor of the ship proved dangerous as well. Several pirate priests had formed a circle around the ladder and together with some bombers made for a warm welcome. As people started fighting at the ladder all the ranged attacks were directed there and no one could move away to avoid it. Luckily with some chaining we could regroup upstairs again and when we just rushed through and got into the pirates backs they were quickly finished with.
From here on i had to steel myself and keep in mind that killing the Dor'Shak was very important, otherwise i might have turned in the prospect of the diving passages to come. The way into the mirrorroom that we got to last time went well again, except for some bombs greeting the first ones to enter a room here or there. And indeed, the Dor'Shak was waiting in this room! Next to him stood an impressive yellow Orga with a red sash. After some confusion we managed to start killing first the lesser minions and then go after the Orga. First he threatened us, then all he could do was yelling for his master before he took his last breath.
The Dor'Shak wasn´t so easy prey. He pulled his way out of traps, received healing energy that may have come from fallens from our group and merrily teleported himself through the room and ran in the mirrors. At first he laughed at us daring to attack him, but fear crept into his voice when i drew the Es'zpada. When i managed to hit him the red lightening ran all over his black robe and suddenly he seemed vulnerable to normal blades too, so maybe the sabre had been needed to finish some magic shield of his. We kept trying to trap him whereever he appeared and constantly stabbing into the robe, hoping to hit something vital. Suddenly blood was soaking his robe and we redoubled our efforts. The Es'zpada had not yet recharged its magic energy but it was as sharp as ever and then, all of a sudden, the Dor'Shak collapsed in a pile and disappeared afterwards. Unsure, we looked at each other: had this been his end? Somehow we all seemed to have expected some magic spectacle at his death, but the sabre that had been reforged by Durin seems to have only been the key to his shield and after this, he was (nearly) as vulnerable as anyone else. After all these months of Orga and pirate invasions, camps in the jungle, search for rare items in dangerous areas we now can hope to sleep peacefully again until the next foe foolishly steps up and tries to make our lifes miserable or put an end to them.

Mittwoch, 4. März 2009

Silencing dogs

Yesterday we were sitting in town and discussed once more a hunting destination. In the end we settled for Ardvell, but hoping for some reinforcements we delayed the start a bit. To kill the time (and some Orga) a small group decided to make its way to Orga Camp and pay a visit to the Orga Chieftain in the caves below Camp 2. The cave was heavily guarded, making fighting a challenge, but the situation was always under control.
As we killed our way further into the cave, Gravier and me already discussed who would get a chainride home, because he would be unhealable, because we had only 2 healers with us and the Chieftain is famous for his solid blows. But as Jazz pointed out, he is also very slow, so that in the end we managed to overwhelm him. Trapping and hacking until the situation gets critical, then luring and repeating proved a successful strategy. We were rewarded by discovering a nice, full chest the Orga was carrying around and quickly devided the coins.
No more people had shown up and so we made our way to Ardvell. My schooled eyes quickly found a way through the dense forest in the first snell, so we could avoid the run through the mazelike way leading deeper into the woods. First we turned south as i estimated the thieves village to lie just behind some trees and i wanted to examine the place for a way to slip through. I had just found a promising spot, when we were ambushed by a pack of barking watchdogs. First my heart beat much faster, then my hate for them took over and with cold determination we lured one after the other to the north and killed them. As much as i despise them, their furs are indeed very soft, leading to high prices.
After we got reinforced by another healer we ventured further into the forest, where Dresko demonstrated her impressive skill in guessing the creatures movements and so hitting with nearly every strike. When we encountered Ashursos we thought our hunt to be over, but we at least wanted to try to bring one of them down. We lured him away and much to our surprise didn´t have too many difficulties. I was able to evade nearly all his angry blows, while Dresko wounded him from the side, until we all tried to get a hit and in the end vanquished him. All in all it was a very nice hunt, especially the fights with the Ursos, of which we encountered a whole lot on our way back, were challenging and insturctive.

Montag, 2. März 2009

Durin returns

Yesterday started with a nice little hunt to the hidden valley. After stripping the fur off some Caverncercops, we ventured south, fighting Tok'Han and rattlesnakes. The former leave deep wounds if you don´t manage to evade quickly enough, the latter pump their poison in your blood if they manage to bite you, so it was really nasty. In the end we arrived at the 4th circle testhouses, where Tarra, Jazzmertize and Frenzymac each tried to pass but sadly all failed.
Afterwards we went north to challenge some more cercops and hoping to find some dragons too. We did and even found an emerald. While hitting the beasts proved not so great a problem, i was rather disappointed to be hit by nearly everything living in this valley, i really have to train harder.

Later that day several people were relaxing in town when Durin Stonemaster appeared. He was so satisfied with the result of his forging that he asked to be called Durin Weaponmaster from now on. Indeed, the Es'zpada he had reforged is balanced very well and is very sharp. When you grip it, you feel like controlling a small thunderstorm, sure to plant fear in the heart of every enemy you strike at. As no one else dared to speak up, i took the weapon in my keep for now. Durins mood became even better when he got some Urdarbeer and when we promised to make a quick end to the Dor'Shak and his Orga minions, as he seemed to have been attacked by Orga in the jungle recently and had dropped his beer in shock.